Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mikes Show


Andre Nickatina, "Crack Raider Razor"
As Black Hearts Break, "Vatican Ex Eventu"
Guns Up! "Won't Change for me"
Job For a Cowboy, "Entombment of a Machine"
Necrophagist, "Stabwound"
The Dillenger Escape Plan, "43% Burnt"
Trainwreck, "The Charme of Flickering Light"
Tragedy, "Conflicting Ideas"
Amidst the Burn, "A Will to Reason"
Graf Orlock, "Coppin Z's"
Judge, "Live"
Palehorse, "Amogst the Flock"
Trash Talk, "Plagues"
Trash Talk, "FYRA"

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