Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Old Timey Radio

Today was the genesis of the Old Timey Radio Hour. It went terribly. But not to worry, I will be back again next week to do the thing right, complete with Depression-era radio dramas and jazz. This time I just played what I always play. I didn't have the energy to be creative after spending 15 minutes bending the computer to my will.

For What It's Worth- Buffalo Springfield
California Dreamin- The Mommas and the Poppas
Nothing but Flowers- Talking Heads
Black Cow- Steely Dan
Mean Mr. Mustard- The Beatles
You Part the Waters- Cake
Super Rad- The Aquabats
She's a Rainbow- The Rolling Stones
Hell Yes- Beck
Anarchy in the UK- Sex Pistols
Immigrant Song- Led Zeppelin

1 comment:

Psycho said...

If your going to play like the classics. try some doors, george thurogood(cant spell the name) plus ur a Dr. you gotts prescribe the drinking tunes.