Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mikes Poop Show

Broadway Calls, S.O.S.
The Chariot, Hellbringer
Scholastic Deth, Drop the Bomb
Scholastic Deth, Book Attack
Scholastic Deth, One Day at a Time
Scholastic Deth, 1000 Shards
Isis, Dulcinea
Come to Life, Kima Hurtsia
Black Flag, Depression
Ceremony, Kersed
Ceremony, Troubled Waters
Ceremony, Throwing Bricks
Ceremony, Red Handed
Dangers, Power Chord Blues
Dangers, A Missed Chance for a Meaningful Abortion
Dangers, Gashing In
Embrace the End, Carbombs and Conversations
Blacklisted, How Quickly we Forget
Have Heart, The Unbreakable

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